On the BizDunk BasketBall Club meeting,

no practises or solo show needed,

only meeting new members,

and gathering,speak out views for this club,

and also listen to coach Jent.


I must say,

Im not bullying or dislike the juniors who joined in.

Just that,

they should have respected us,as seniors and also my seniors up there.

And there are 15 of them.

They never greet to us.

Just turn a blind eye.



Coach Jent delegated duties for all of us,

and rearranged us into group,seniors mixed juniors.

In order to let us to get closer,

to know each other better.

I've started to worry,

if I could mix with them well.

What Senior Hil says,if anything would happen,as a senior should stand for it.

Alright,they better be cooperative and work in team.


All we talk about,

is a team work.



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